[MEMO] On the challenges of giving to the poor

β˜•οΈ Happy Wednesday morning!

To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into.

3 Ideas From Me πŸ€“


Where poverty is hidden in our communities, it must be brought into the light by our churches.


In our churches today, there is a tendency to divorce generosity from directly giving to the poor. Instead, we focus our teaching and efforts on programs, buildings, staffing and other forms of ministry support.



The Jewish rabbi Maimonides (1138-1204) helps us see eight levels of giving. Most of us never progress beyond the third level.


2 Quotations From Others 🀯


Bible Project on why Jesus wants his apprentices to give privately:

Generosity is a core way we can do right by others. Jesus warns against giving just to receive honor and encourages giving in private. In doing so, we receive the reward of a deep connection to God and sharing in his renewal of creation. In the Bible, how you relate to those in need is closely connected to how you relate to God. God identifies so closely with the poor that giving to them is also giving to him. So doing right by others and by God are often one and the same. This counters the human impulse to give to the poor just to receive honor and praise.


Theologian D.A. Carson on what we miss when we give only to be praised by others:

"Jesus is not condemning all public giving, but giving whose sole purpose is to gain public acclaim. The person who gives to be praised by others receives the praise of men as his reward, but nothing from God."

1 Question For You πŸ€”

Jesus teaches us that "When you give to the poor, don't let anyone know about it."

Think about this text and your everyday life in the world around you. How do you give to the poor?

I'd love to hear your answer! Shoot me a text (706.424.1130) or an email (matt@transformdiscipleship.org).

This week, there are three ways that you can join us as we help each other become like Jesus:

πŸ“¬ Thanks for reading! Please invite your friends to join our journey.


Until next week,

Matt Adair - Creator of Transformational Discipleship​

E - matt@transformdiscipleship.org

C - 706.424.1130

Matt Adair

I help church leaders make disciples who love their enemies.

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