
Matt Adair

I help church leaders make disciples who love their enemies.

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Practicing Courage While Waiting On God

"Wait for the LORD" - Psalm 27:14 Your leadership is most needed when there are no easy answers. And the psalmist reminds us that God will help you as you lead. But how do you lead well when God doesn't seem to be around to help? Here's the key: leading well depends on who you are more than what you do. Ruth Haley Barton reminds us that discernment isn’t just about making the right decision, but becoming the kind of person who can lead with integrity. In times of uncertainty, we must...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) We ask God to "hallow" his name because our understanding and imitation of God rings far too hollow. 2) While discipleship to Jesus can't be reduced to the Our Father, there's hidden wisdom in discipling people to a) pray, b) pray often, c) direct their prayers to a God we know as Father, and d) to ask our Father to "hallow" his...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) To pray "our Father" is an invitation into reality where God is compassionate, merciful, slow to anger and filled to the brim with a love that never waxes or wanes. 2) By calling God "our Father," Jesus encapsulates the essence of discipleship: we are God's children who share a common life with Him and each other in every...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) If we learn to pray the Lord's Prayer, we have all need to pray well. 2) Prayer does not include the promise of answers or automatic acquiescence to our requests, but no prayer goes unheard and never are our desires mocked or minimized. Source. 3) Anger makes us self-centered. The Lord’s Prayer flips that script. It’s not about...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) Jesus' positioning of fasting alongside giving to the poor and communal prayer encourages us to focus on what we give when we fast rather than what we gain. 2) We grieve as an expression of our desire to experience God in the face of grief over the presence and impact of sin and death in personal or systemic expressions. Source....

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) Jesus does not hesitate to motivate us with rewards because He made us to desire What Matters Most. 2) Prayer is not reduced to a singular expression in any particular stage. But because our experience of God's love differs within each stage, we prioritize practices of prayer that best align our heart, mind and soul to God....

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) Where poverty is hidden in our communities, it must be brought into the light by our churches. 2) In our churches today, there is a tendency to divorce generosity from directly giving to the poor. Instead, we focus our teaching and efforts on programs, buildings, staffing and other forms of ministry support. Source. 3) The...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) Jesus warns people to avoid paths where the prize that is offered is never worth the price of admission. 2) Jesus' preoccupation with His Father in Matthew 6 reminds us that the Great Reward is the joy we experience now-and-forever with the One who delightedly created us in love. 3) In churches that emphasize forensic...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) Christians do not have feel love towards everyone. But to be Christian is to act in loving ways towards everyone. 2) A love that has no boundaries. A challenging theological vision. An even more challenging way to live. Helping people set no boundaries to love - just like their Heavenly Father - is the focus of Transformational...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) The barometer of maturity for the Christian is always the love of Christ. We love because he first loved us. And we love each other in the way that he has always loved us. 2) But I believe not being in every room can be a display of love towards those who aren't sure or are hesitant about plans for the future: 1. Your absence...