[The Good Life] Learning to pray well...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning!

To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into.

3 Ideas From Me 🤓


If we learn to pray the Lord's Prayer, we have all need to pray well.


Prayer does not include the promise of answers or automatic acquiescence to our requests, but no prayer goes unheard and never are our desires mocked or minimized.



Anger makes us self-centered. The Lord’s Prayer flips that script. It’s not about me. It’s about us. Praying for God’s kingdom and our daily bread reminds us we’re part of a community. It fosters empathy, making it hard to hold onto anger and disgust.


2 Quotations From Others 🤯


Bible Project on the purpose of The Lord's Prayer in our discipleship to Jesus:

"Through this prayer, we are invited to trust God daily and to love one another as we participate in the union of Heaven and Earth."


Pope Benedict XVI on the transformational power of the Lord's Prayer:

"The meaning of the Our Father goes much further than the mere provision of a prayer text. It aims to form our being, to train us in the inner attitude of Jesus. "

1 Question For You 🤔

Jesus teaches us to: Pray like this: Our Father who is in heaven, uphold the holiness of your name. Bring in your kingdom so that your will is done on earth as it’s done in heaven. Give us the bread we need for today. Forgive us for the ways we have wronged you, just as we also forgive those who have wronged us. And don’t lead us into temptation, but rescue us from the evil one (Matthew 6:9-13, CEV).

Think about this text and your everyday life in the world around you. What word or phrase stands out to you? Bring this to God and ask him how He hopes you'll respond to what you see.

If you'd like to share what God is stirring up in your head, heart or life, I'd love to hear about it! Shoot me a text (706.424.1130) or an email (matt@transformdiscipleship.org).

This week, there are three ways that you can join us as we help each other become like Jesus:

📬 Thanks for reading! Please invite your friends to join our journey.

Until next week,

Matt Adair - Creator of Transformational Discipleship

E - matt@transformdiscipleship.org

C - 706.424.1130

Matt Adair

I help church leaders make disciples who love their enemies.

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☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) We ask God to "hallow" his name because our understanding and imitation of God rings far too hollow. 2) While discipleship to Jesus can't be reduced to the Our Father, there's hidden wisdom in discipling people to a) pray, b) pray often, c) direct their prayers to a God we know as Father, and d) to ask our Father to "hallow" his...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) To pray "our Father" is an invitation into reality where God is compassionate, merciful, slow to anger and filled to the brim with a love that never waxes or wanes. 2) By calling God "our Father," Jesus encapsulates the essence of discipleship: we are God's children who share a common life with Him and each other in every...