Practicing Courage While Waiting On God

"Wait for the LORD" - Psalm 27:14

Your leadership is most needed when there are no easy answers. And the psalmist reminds us that God will help you as you lead. But how do you lead well when God doesn't seem to be around to help?

Here's the key: leading well depends on who you are more than what you do.

Ruth Haley Barton reminds us that discernment isn’t just about making the right decision, but becoming the kind of person who can lead with integrity. In times of uncertainty, we must prioritize our own emotional, spiritual, and relational health—leading from our soul, not just with our skill.

Leading well happens in both working and waiting. Dallas Willard reminds us, “The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it’s who you become.” When we rush ahead of God, we risk burnout; when we fall behind, we stagnate. Courage lies in waiting well—trusting that God is shaping us and our leadership in the process.

Henri Nouwen suggests that sometimes the most courageous thing we can do is to let go of our need for immediate relevance. Waiting isn’t about inactivity; it’s about preparing our hearts and minds to lead with clarity when the time is right. It’s also about adapting—asking what people really need and being ready to create that, even if God’s timing feels slower than we’d like.

Psalm 27:14 calls us to be strong and courageous. Courageous leadership is about trusting God’s process and being patient with His timing. And in the waiting, we are shaped into the leaders our people need.

Matt Adair

I help church leaders make disciples who love their enemies.

Read more from Matt Adair

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