[The Good Life]: On love in action, the boundaries of love, and one question on church health

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning!

To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into.

3 Ideas From Me 🤓


Christians do not have feel love towards everyone. But to be Christian is to act in loving ways towards everyone.


A love that has no boundaries. A challenging theological vision. An even more challenging way to live. Helping people set no boundaries to love - just like their Heavenly Father - is the focus of Transformational Discipleship.



What percentage of people in your church are actively involved in your church’s rhythm of life? This is the singular most important question to ask in assessing the health of your church.


2 Quotations From Others 🤯


Bible Project on what Jesus means when he calls us to "be perfect":

The biblical Greek word teleios is often translated as "perfect", but it more generally refers to when something fulfills its purpose or achieves the goal for which it was made. God is the source and the purpose of everything. So God is teleiosbecause he is the goal of all things. But everything else is on a journey of becoming teleios - "whole" or "complete." For Jesus, this word is connected to being "pure in heart" and having a "righteousness that surpasses the scribes and Pharisees."Teleios is a high calling. It's an image of a human being living as the image of God, singularly devoted to love of God and neighbor.


German theologian Jurgen Moltmann on God's "perfection":

"But in what does God's perfection consist? Certainly not in perfectionism in any sense. It lies in the love which is long-suffering, patient, and kind, which bears no grudge, which endures all things, believes all things, hopes all things (1 Cor 13). God loves his enemies, blesses them, does good to them, and does not set evil against evil: that is his perfection. And it is from this that we all live. From this the whole world lives, even if it does not know it. God sustains and preserves everything, because he has hope for everyone. His perfection is his limitless capacity for suffering. He is all-powerful because he is all-enduring. His uniqueness is the unfathomably creative power of his love."

1 Question For You 🤔

Jesus teaches us to "therefore set no bounds to your love, just as your heavenly Father sets none to his." (Matthew 5:47-48, NJB).

Think about this text and your everyday life in the world around you. Where have you seen your love expand lately in concrete action towards someone you previously struggled to love?

I'd love to hear your answer! Shoot me a text (706.424.1130) or an email (matt@transformdiscipleship.org).

This week, there are three ways that you can join us as we help each other become like Jesus:

📬 Thanks for reading! Please invite your friends to join our journey.

Until next week,

Matt Adair - Creator of Transformational Discipleship

E - matt@transformdiscipleship.org

C - 706.424.1130

Matt Adair

I help church leaders make disciples who love their enemies.

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☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) We ask God to "hallow" his name because our understanding and imitation of God rings far too hollow. 2) While discipleship to Jesus can't be reduced to the Our Father, there's hidden wisdom in discipling people to a) pray, b) pray often, c) direct their prayers to a God we know as Father, and d) to ask our Father to "hallow" his...

☕️ Happy Wednesday morning! To help you love like Jesus, here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotations from others, and 1 question for you to live into. 3 Ideas From Me 🤓 1) To pray "our Father" is an invitation into reality where God is compassionate, merciful, slow to anger and filled to the brim with a love that never waxes or wanes. 2) By calling God "our Father," Jesus encapsulates the essence of discipleship: we are God's children who share a common life with Him and each other in every...